Posts by Rev. Joan Pell (Page 5)

Invitation to a Book Study on Racism

Rev. Joan Pell will be leading a Zoom book study on racism and white privilege. Our first step in advocating for Black lives and Asian and Minority Ethnic lives is to understand or even believe that there is a problem. We will be reading a book by a black author called Why I’m No Longer Talking to White People About Race. The author’s name is Reni Eddo-Lodge. The book is on the Sunday Time’s Best Seller list.

Joan’s Jottings for 18th June

You may have heard that the government is allowing church buildings to open for private prayer from Monday 15th June and for community worship at the earliest from sometime in July. Our Methodist Connexion has advised us not to open for private prayer unless it is essential to our ministry, which at this point, we do not deem it to be. There is a long and complex checklist that we will have to follow whenever we do decide that we are ready to open our buildings, and it will take time to prepare the building and provide training.