Joan’s Jottings for 18th July

Dear Siblings in Christ,

The circuit online Arts and Crafts Exhibition is up for you to view. The exhibition is in two parts. The first part is a short two-minute video with an overview of the entries that were submitted. The second part consists of eight galleries of photos depicting the 264 entries. We hope you take the time to enjoy the show! And a huge thank you to Neil Hepplethwaite for organizing and uploading it all.   

As we think about opening up Museum Street Methodist Church for worship on Sunday 2nd August at 10.45 a.m. I want to convey a little bit more information about that. And there will be more next week too!

  • To help ensure it is as safe as possible, the Museum Street leadership is requiring that we all wear face coverings. This can be as simple as a scarf. Or you can buy a mask; a lot of shops are selling them for as little as £2. Or you or a friend could sew one from material scraps, and there’s even an easy way to fold a man’s handkerchief. For face coverings to work, we need everyone to wear one. My face covering protects you, and yours protects me. If you should forget, we will have a few disposable face masks on hand. Some of our greeters and myself will be wearing visors to enable you to see our mouths and smiles! The BBC have some ideas here.
  • We are asking you to arrive no earlier than 10.30 a.m. for the 10.45 service and go immediately to your seat; there will no fellowship time afterwards, and that includes no gathering in the car park!

I have just found the World Council of Churches has a page full of beautiful prayers for use during the pandemic. May they be a blessing to you as you read and pray them.

I am keeping you in my prayers. May God’s peace be with you all,
In Christ
–Pastor Joan  

Rev. Joan Pell

Joan’s Jottings are written to the churches at Museum Street, Landseer Road and Chantry where Joan is the minister, and shared here for all to read.

Click here for previous Joan’s Jottings.