Arts and Craft Exhibition 2020

This year we have had to hold our bi-annual Arts and Crafts exhibition online due to the Covid-19 situation.
We want to say a BIG Thank you to everyone who has submitted entries. We have been inundated with a total of 264 images for you to look through. it is lovely to see all the wonderful things that people have been up to over the last few months.

As we did not set any categories for submissions we have tried to categorise the images to make them easier for you to view. You can follow the links below to go to the various categories to see all of the entries, and it is well worth spending the time to see them all.

We have a short video below with an overview of the kind of things that have been submitted.

We hope you enjoy the show !!

Paintings, Drawings. etc
In the Garden
Woodwork and Metalwork
Sewing, Knitting, Embroidery etc
Miscellaneous Craft – Adults

Miscellaneous Craft – Children and Young Adults