Climate Action Update

As we approach the end of week 5 of our circuit campaign leading up to the COP26 conference, it feels appropriate to start a weekly news item reviewing progress.

Viewed from the hub of the campaign, I see the Spirit firmly at work in guiding us to adopt the fourfold model in which we are called to LEARN, so that we SPEAK OUT and ACT from a solid base of knowledge and understanding, and with confidence and God’s love, to INSPIRE HOPE.

Through refining conversations and further intervention from the Spirit, this fourfold mantra was turned into a logo reflecting the virtuous circle, in which the HOPE sows the seeds from which fresh germinated.

This clarity, then begs the regular self-examination with the question: “What new thing have I learnt, how have I spoken out, have my actions made a difference, and when have I inspired fresh hope?”

To help you LEARN, we now have six week’s information explaining many of the issues which if unchecked, force the climate into crisis, supported by real examples of these issues in play around the world.  There are study groups underway around the circuit, book reviews to suggest wider reading and a plethora of links to trustworthy sources.

To guide you to SPEAK OUT, there is a growing list of campaign petitions and templates for you to complete and send to decision makers, showing your support for urgent, positive actions.  As new events are planned, they are being added to the list.   The Felixstowe Mission Area is holding a prayer vigil every day throughout COP26.  Museum Street is holding an Open Day with opportunities to learn, petitions to sign, encouragement of ways to take action, all supported by a prayer vigil.  We are hoping to have a high profile speaker, bringing a message from the front-line of climate change, who will then take our message and support directly to the COP26 conference.

In the ACTION section of our campaign, there are lots of easy steps to take that will benefit the environment, and there are some more demanding.  Every day, one of these is being turned into a Green tip of the day and shared both on our website, and via social media. 

Under the INSPIRE HOPE banner, there are several recorded services and sermon transcriptions, plus prayers and other worship resource materials.  The most important element of our campaign is still in its very early stage – turning all of the above into stories to INSPIRE HOPE.  I want to hear lots of good news about how your have had a eureka moment, had real influence on something by speaking out, or taken some positive action.  This week alone, both the physics and chemistry Nobel prizes have been awarded for work that can contribute positively to the climate agenda.  Today, I received news that one of the new technologies for storage of renewable electricity is being used to power new medical facilities in Malawi.  Climate solutions simultaneously bringing healthcare to some of the poorest ajd disadvantaged communities. 

Please use the many resources available on the circuit website.  Shaer your experience of the new things you are learning.  Pick at least one new petition to support each week.  Pick one of the actions that stretches your comfort zone a little, and above all inspire everyone with your stories of hope. Please send any news or stories here.