Action for climate justice

We need to respond to the climate emergency. In the Ipswich Methodist Circuit, we have chosen to work together supporting each other in a concerted campaign in which we balance the need to inform ourselves through active learning, sharing our understanding with others by speaking out, ensuring we make a difference through our actions, and by drawing on the love of God for the ownder of his creation to inspire hope.


Most aspects of climate change seem far bigger in scale, than anything we can deal with individually. But if 7.7m people each take a small action every day, that is one big difference.

We can all take action which will make a difference.

150 ways to be green

Woodbridge Methodist church is celebrating its 150th anniversary in 2020. As part of this we have been making a list of “150 ways to be green”, one for each year of Methodism in Woodbridge. We are building up the list each month in the church newsletter, with ideas added by members of the congregation. We are still looking for ideas to make up the full 150.

  • Some of these you will already know.
  • Some of these will not be relevant to you.
  • BUT…some of them, hopefully, will make you think and re-consider how you live.

If everybody took on board 5 things, that would add up to a huge change for the good. More would be even better! When setting your goals, aim for things that you know you will be able to achieve and continue for the years to come. This is not a short-term problem we are trying to solve.

The actions are described very briefly. Some of them are described elsewhere as a case study providing more detail. If you have a story to tell about one or more of these, please get in touch.

The 150 ways divide into general areas.

Action for Climate Justice – Real Stories

As our climate justice campaign progresses, it is important that we share real life stories of how our actions make a difference. This section provides an opportunity to read about ideas that are more powerful than abstract suggestions. We want to hear stories of what local groups and individuals are doing. Have you adopted one of the suggestions here, or is it new. What was there that made it successful? How can you help others to adopt the ideas which you have turned into a success, and how can they avoid some of the mistakes you made along the way?

Only by sharing will we buiild new confidence and hope together.