- Avoid anything that is single use
- Use reusable face masks rather than throwaway ones. You could even make your own using leftover offcuts of fabric.
- Use alternatives to plastic wherever possible.
- If you use coffee pods try refillable ones rather than disposable.
- Don’t use disposable wipes to remove make-up. You can get washable cotton pads instead.
- Don’t flush wet-wipes down the toilet.
- Buy loose fruit and vegetables where possible. Avoid extra unnecessary packaging.
- Use beeswax wrapping for sandwiches instead of clingfilm
- Don’t buy bottled water. Have a reusable bottle and fill it from the tap.
- Don’t use too much laundry powder or liquid. They usually tell you to use more than you need. Try reducing the amount you use bit by bit. Your clothes will probably be just as clean.

- Collect old plastic drinks bottles and use to make planter, bird feeders or cloches for your plants.
- When your toothbrush is worn out re-use it for cleaning in awkward corners.
- Try to repair anything that is broken rather than throwing it away and buying new.
- Have a spring clear out and give things you don’t want any more to a charity shop so others can use them.
- Recycle as much of your waste as possible.
- Recycle aluminium foil but save it and make it into a ball at least the size of a tennis ball before you put it in your recycling bin.
- When recycling sort your rubbish carefully and make sure you put it in the correct bin.
- Use mains power in any appliance rather than batteries if you can.
- Use rechargeable batteries in your portable appliances.
- If you are buying new furniture make sure the wood is from sustainable forests.
- Borrow books from the library, or swap books with friends and neighbours, rather than always buying new ones.
- When decorating your house don’t buy new paint but get creative and make your own work of art using all those leftover tins.
- Don’t buy new gift wrap for presents. You can recycle old paper, or use pictures from newspapers.
- Make your own Christmas decorations from rubbish. There are lots of ideas on the internet, or get creative yourself.
- At Christmas don’t send cards to everyone you know but use email and e-cards. Donate what you save in postage to a green charity.
- If sending greetings cards avoid any with glitter.
- Don’t print out documents if you don’t really need a hard copy.
- Print double-sided when you can.
- Use recycled, unbleached paper for printing.
- If you are involved with organising a wedding, ask for rose petals to be used instead of confetti.
- Don’t change your car frequently. Car manufacture takes up valuable energy and resources. Disposing of old cars is also a problem.