- Feed the birds.
- Put out water for birds and other wildlife.
- Plant wild flower seeds. Not only will you enjoy the flowers you can also enjoy a wider variety of wildlife enjoying them too.
- Plant bee friendly plants in your garden.
- Leave some areas of your garden untidy. Fallen leaves of branches make a good home for lots of creatures.
- Don’t use pesticides, especially slug pellets. They kill birds and good insects too.
- Start a pond or small water feature.
- If you have a pond make sure any animals that fall in can get out. Put in a ramp or some pots near the edge.
- Plan for a wide variety of types of plant in your garden.
- Have a compost heap.

- Use an alternative to peat compost in seed and potting compost, and in growbags.
- Grow your own fruit and vegetables. Much tastier, fresher and loads fewer food miles.
- Get an allotment – or at least get on the waiting list! You can share with a friend of neighbour to make the work a bit easier.
- If you are out on a walk take a bag and pick up any litter you see. People are less likely to drop litter if there is none there already.
- Organise a group litter pick in your area.
- If you like a real Christmas tree get one in a pot that you can plant outside afterwards. You can re-use it for several years until it gets too big.
- Feed hedgehogs – only give them specialist hedgehog food or cat or dog food. Do not leave bread or milk for them.
- Instal a hedgehog tunnel in your fence. Try to get the whole neighbourhood to join in so the hedgehogs can roam around.