Ways to be green: Water use

  1. Turn off the tap while you are brushing your teeth.
  2. Replace the washer on dripping taps.
  3. Have a shower instead of a bath.
  4. When waiting for the hot tap water to run hot, collect the water and use it on plants in the garden.
  5. Put used bath water or washing up water on the garden. Established shrubs and trees will like it, just be careful near soft plants and new seedlings.
  6. Share bath water – bath with a friend!!
  7. Put a water-saving device like a hippo in your toilet cistern. Or you could just use a brick, but wrap it up first or you will get brick dust in the pipes.
  8. Wash your car only when absolutely necessary (once after the winter to get rid of the salt and perhaps once if you have been on country roads during or after rain).
  9. Support charities that aim to bring clean water to developing communities.
  10. Twin your toilet – yes that is a thing. It can transform lives in other parts of the world.