Ways to be green: – educate yourself

  1. Go for a walk and appreciate the nature around you. Stop, look and listen to what is there.
  2. Notice something new to appreciate every day.
  3. Include the environment in your regular prayers.
  4. Watch a David Attenborough programme, such as Blue Planet.
  5. Educate yourself about green issues. Read articles in newspapers or the internet, but be careful to check the source of the information. There is a lot of “fake news” out there.
  6. Have a conversation with a teenager to find out what they would like you to do.
  7. Talk to your friends about environmental issues. The more normal the subject becomes the more people will take it on board.
  8. Organise a discussion group about the climate crisis amongst your friends or other social group you belong to.
  9. Look up the UN sustainability goals and try to do something to support them.
  1. Learn how to read an environmental impact statement in corporate accounts and then use that information to when you purchase things. Use consumer power.
  2. Learn about communities around the world who are most affected by sea level rise.
  3. Check out your council’s Local Plan. Be knowledgeable about your local area’s green areas and where there are plans for building or development.
  4. Lobby your MP or local councillor to do something.
  5. Sign “The Time is Now” petition
  6. If you enjoy a sport, hobby or pastime try to think of something you could do to make it more environmentally friendly.
  7. If you come up with an idea let everyone else know.