it was only Friday. Sunday’s comin’ !”
it was only Friday. Sunday’s comin’ !”
Our online worship service for Good Friday should now be available as video or audio. This is a Tenebrae Service, a service of shadows, as we journey with Jesus to the cross, and finish in darkness.
Shared with us by Graham Thompson from Trinity Methodist. Winston Churchill loved paraprosdokians – Figures of speech in which the end of a sentence or phrase is surprising or unexpected. 1. Where there’s a will, I want to be in it.2. The last thing I want to do is hurt you, but it’s still on…
The Methodist Church have released a simple users guide to help people who might be a bit reluctant or maybe lack the confidence to delve into the world of Facebook. The guide is full of useful information from how to set up an account and how to organise privacy settings etc. During these current times,…
A Baptist friend sent me the following hymn by William Fullerton written in 1929 It rather captures the current mood I cannot tell why grief and sadness lingerWhy jobs are lost, and people face despair;When this will end, if vaccines come and rescue,Why isolation stalks the earth again.But this I know, Christ feels the hurt…
Chair of the District – Revd. Julian M. Pursehouse 09:04:2020 Sisters and Brothers in Christ, I continue to write to you as your Pastor in a time of national crisis when perhaps, more than ever, our shared life of faith will be like a pearl of great price; something costly and precious that we are…
Our online worship service for Maundy Thursday is available as video or audio. In this service, recalling the events of Jesus’ life on the evening before he was arrested, we will share together a meal of comforting food. So bring some food to our virtual feast as we break and share comfort and love.
Maundy Thursday Thought for the day – Thursday 9th April 2020 Judas was starting to get frustrated, Palm Sunday had been everything he’d been waiting for, a lifelong Jew, he’d waited for the Messiah to come so that he might overthrow all that was evil in the world and that all men might worship God…
Some food for thought from Prof David Welbourn As we find ourselves in Holy Week, leading up to events in the Christian Life with which we are familiar, but in circumstances which are anything other than familiar, I wanted to share a thought, which is particularly pertinent to us all at this time. We run…
“Faces of Easter” – Godly play by Rev. Diane Smith