News (Page 299)

“Relax in Gods Presence”

Thought for the day – Sunday 5th July 2020 One of the precious gifts the Methodist Church gives to its Ministers is a Sabbatical every sevenyears, this gift is not a three months holiday, it is a time to stop, reflect, recharge the batteries andmove on with a fresh insight and enthusiasm. I am constantly…

“Unknown Knowledge”

Thought for the day – Saturday 4th July 2020 As I progressed through my on-line Art and Theology course, I increased my knowledge and understanding of art and artists. A lot of this knowledge, has already disappeared from my mind, and more, I am sure, will gradually fade away. But some parts of the course…

“Unknown Artists”

Thought for the day – Friday 3rd July 2020 What was most interesting about the on-line Art and Theology course that I have just completed was the introduction to artists that were unknown to me before. The very first week featured an artist from the Isle of Man, Petrina Kent, and her painting, ‘The Invitation’.…

‘Unknown Territory’

Thought for the day – Thursday 2nd July 2020 I have just completed my first on-line course! (more of which I will tell you in further Thoughts for the Day). I haven’t been given the marks and comments on my Assignment yet, so I might not feel quite so pleased with myself, when I have…


Thought for the day – Wednesday 1st July 2020 A REFLECTION INSPIRED BY THE PRESIDENT AND VICE PRESIDENT’S ADDRESSES TO METHODIST CONFERENCE 2020 I am currently watching online some of the Methodist Conference and have been inspired greatly by both the President and Vice President’s Addresses.  In the Rev’d Teal’s Address (President of Conference) he…

Lectionary reflections for Sunday 5th July 2020

The 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time                        Year A                                     5.7.2020. Lectionary Readings: Zechariah 9 v 9-12.                           The lord promises to rescue the captives. Romans 7 v 15-25a.                           The battle with sin. Matthew 11 v 16-19, 25-30.              “Come to me and rest”. The Rescuer. “I will come to your rescue and offer you hope”.      (Zechariah 9…

Methodist Conference

Thought for the day – Tuesday 30th June 2020 Some of you may know that when I was Assistant Secretary of the District Synod and subsequently as Synod Secretary, I attended the Methodist Conference each year for about 12 years. We have been watching the Opening of Conference (27th June) live streamed, so different from actually being there.  I felt it was…

“A Diamond Year”

As this year marks 60 years since I first started attending Landseer Road Church I thought it was high time I paid tribute to the person who introduced me to the church and our ensuing 60 years of friendship. In 1960 I was 11 years old, living in Gloucester Rd. and a quiet, lonely, only…