Dear Friends,

I hope this update finds you well.

A hugh thank you to all who supported my recent Sponsored Run and the Market Stall in the
Manse garden. The total raised to date is £1,545 pounds, thank you so much for your
generosity. This money is a tremendous help to the churches.

Included in this letter is a poster advertising all the physical opportunities for worship in the
mission area. Please note Worship has currently been given an exception from the
Governments Rule of Six. Our function in meeting physicall for Worship is to the glory of
God. We continue to uphold both the Government and Methodist guidelines concerning
“Acts of Worship”. The Prayer meeting in the Manse garden may continue for the moment
but at the present time we cannot offer the Coffee Morning. Thank you for your

Please note this Sunday the 20 th September, there will be the added opportunity to worship
at Seaton Road Methodist Church at 9.45am. This will take place on the third Sunday of the
month until further notice. Seaton Road continues to offer a Morning Prayer option each
Thursday as advertised. I am most grateful to the Rev’d Jo Jacobs, who together with
myself has covered these sessions which have been more well attended than our previous
morning prayer prior to Lockdown. Also very pleased to report that numbers at Trinity and
Kirton for Sunday worship continue to be encouraging, with Kirton finding that worship in
the garden has attracted some new people, as well as regular folk from the Mission area.
A small group have been participating in this month’s zoom Bible study on the Book of

On Saturday 12 th of September, some of us attended the Ipswich Circuit Drive in Worship.
This gathering was to welcome the four new churches into our Ipswich Circuit. It was very
successful. We now have a total of 22. Thank you also, to all who took part in the annual
Ride and Stride event, on the same day, raising much needed money for the Historic
Churches Trust. Both Kirton and Trinity Churches were able to provide a rota of people to
welcome riders.

Thank you to Mike peck for his weekly Bible Study notes, notes for this coming Sunday are
included in this mailing, together with a short reflection from myself.

I will write again in October.

Rev’d Diane Smith.