News (Page 278)

How spiritual are you ?

How spiritual are you ?     How much do you love God ? In effect, these questions ask the same thing,  just using different words. Your spirituality is measured by how much you love God and want to live your life in accord with his teaching. Consider this hymn by Charles Wesley – My God !…

Making a Difference Award

Rev Diane Smith was recently interviewed on BBC Radio Suffolk after she was nominated for a Making a Diiference award. Diane spoke about alot of the things that have been going on in the last few months during the Covid pandemic. You can listen to the entire interview by clicking the play button below. Diane…

Lectionary reflections for Sunday 8th November 2020

32nd Sunday in ordinary Time                     Year A                                     8th November 2020. Lectionary readings Amos 5 v18-24                       What the Lord demands. 1 Thessalonians 4 v13-18.     What to expect when the Lord returns. Matthew 25 v1-13.                 A story about ten girls. Are you ready to join the celebration? Amos, like most of the Old Testament prophets,…

Smoke Signal

When quoting Romans 8 v 28, we often begin with the words, “All things work together for good.” But the verse really begins like this; “We know that in all things work together for good to those who love God.” Our knowing comes by faith. There is a well known story about a shipwreck. When…

The Hidden Life Of Trees by Peter Wohlleben

The author of this excellent book, using the findings and evidence gathered by numerous pieces of research, makes the case that the forest is a social network and that trees in a forest operate like a human family. Trees live in close connection to their offspring, communicate with them through ‘the wood wide web’, support…

All Saints day

The picture above is of Yockenthwaite a small hamlet in upper Wharfedale.  We drove through Yockenthwaite on the Monday of our holiday last week and the river was little more than a trickle, forming rock pools among the large pebbles, worn smoothe by the flowing water over hundreds of years.  By Thursday afternoon on a…


Proverbs 10:11 The mouth of a good person is a deep, life-giving well,but the mouth of the wicked is a dark cave of abuse. Words are powerful !  The damage caused by harsh words can last a lifetime. It is imperative that we control our words, even more so in the digital word that we…

Senses of the Sea 2

SENSES OF THE SEA   No.2 The water quality of the sea at Felixstowe has been exceptional this year. I know that the resort has been awarded a Blue Flag, but I can verify from my own experience that on some days the water has been so clear that I have been able to see to…

Money bag

Psalm 119 v 71.It was good for me to be afflicted so that I might learn your decrees There was a man who was deep in debt. On his way to work each day, he walked past the door of a wealthy businessman. When the rich man learned of the debtor’s plight he decided to…