And it’s the little things

Jonah really welcomed that great weed  – or gourd in some translations – which gave him some shade while all around was exposed to blistering sunshine.  At least we’re told he was grateful for it.  But he just accepted it was there – he hadn’t planted it, he didn’t water it or do anything to make sure it could live and thrive.  When a worm ate it and he was left exposed to the elements he just gave up and wanted to die.

A friend originally from Anguilla was always very strong on counting blessings.  “Count your blessings”  became something of a catchphrase which would come out whenever things didn’t look so good.  She used to tell me of the “promise box” which she had had as a child, reminding her of God’s promises in Scripture.  As an adult she would still take out some of the  little rolls of paper from that box to remind herself of her Lord’s words of goodness when she felt the need of support.  

Jesus reminded his Disciples that God cared for the lilies of the field and the sparrows and that He knew every hair of their heads.  In terms of creation, God is in the detail.  And he carries that into his relationship with us.  Little things can mean so much  but, like Jonah, often we only really appreciated things when they are gone.  Let’s us spend some time on little things today – the hobby we’ve taken up again after some years; the recipe we’ve wanted to try for ages and now have the time to try and to really enjoy eating;  the book which has been waiting for us  to take it from the pile;  that bit of the garden we’ve neglected for too long.  And as we enjoy small things, let’s think of God with thanks and praise for the way he never forgets us and is always there to encourage and nurture us in all we do for and through Him.

Prayer:  Father God.  Open our eyes to the true value of your creation.  Make us careful in our use of your resources and careful in the way we treat each other.  Help us realise the way little things can mean so much and that everything, big or small, matters to you.  Thank you for your gifts and your blessings.  In Jesus name.  Amen