Happy New Year

I’ve been seeing lots of people posting on Facebook recently about roll on 2021.

Also, they have been putting ‘can we just write this year off?’ I have also seen people who have been positive saying what they have learnt something new and all the new things they have done. 

It got me thinking:

How do I feel about 2020? 

What have I learnt? 

What did I find the most difficult? 

Who have I missed the most?

What’s been difficult?

What’s been easy? 

These are questions I think we all need to ask ourselves! 

Yes 2020 has been a difficult year for everyone, COVID has been a topic on everyone’s lips. Also, with Brexit which means that as of 23:59 we are no longer part of Europe. We don’t know what this year is going to bring.

Also New year is when we all say I’m going to start……….. New year new me! We are all guilty of starting resolutions and then after January we stop them. 

An important new year resolution that I am going to do is to spread the gospel and to share Gods love to others. We may have days that it is difficult but there is always the next day to start again! It’s important to remember each day is a gift from god and a day we can spread the gospel.

Thank you Lord for a new day; new month; new year that is waiting to unfold it’s secrets. Thank you for the truth that, with you, not just some days are special, but all of them, each offering new experiences of your love. Teach us to celebrate every day to see each moment as your gift to be gratefully received and joyfully lived through Jesus Christ my Lord.