Making our voice heard loud and clear is an important part of our campaign for climate justice. There are many campaigns actively lobbying people in positions of power to give more urgency and inject impetus behind change.
It is clear that some of the strongest enablers to achieve the breadth and pace of change required are in the hands of governments and policy-makers. Only they can align laws and incentives that balance enforcement and encouragement to remove many of the barriers to progress. In some instances, current laws and taxes actvley prevent the right action being taken. Please add the weight of your voice behind campaigns demanding more rpaid action.
Even with new laws, properly aligned incentives and barriers torn down, inertia, apathy and ignorance will still be significant. Add your voice to campaigns directed at business leaders and demanding rapid adoption of climate sensitive policies. Use your purchasing power to insist that businesses don’t delay crucial action.
Many of these campaigns are time sensitive, especially leading up to COP26. DO NOT delay, the planet can’t wait for you to think about this for too long.

Petition links from the open day
- The time is now – making a declaration supporting urgent climate action.
- Make my money matter – make sure the value of your pension is used to speed up move to net zero.
- Friends of the Earth – demand wealthy nations act on the climate.
- Greenpeace – stop the new coal mine in Cumbria.
Active campaigns and petitions seeking your support
Many of the campaigns and petitions were organised to sedn influential messages directly to the COP26 conference and have now closed. There are still plenty of pportunities to make your voice heard by writing to business and political leaders. The following are still live camapifgns at the 26th October.
- The time is now – sign a declaration to the Prime Minister putting your support behind COP26
- Make COP Count – the main petition has been sent to COP26, but the link still offers helpful advice of how to get involved further.
- Sign a petition to your company pension fund requiring them to invest your pension money only in ways that are climate sensitive.
- Environmental Justice Foundation is petitioning world leaders to protect ocean ecosystems and Greenpeace has a petition asking the UK Government to sign a new Global Ocean Treaty to protect marine ecosystems
- Greenpeace have obtained over 1m signatures behind a statement “We’re in a climate crisis – act like it.” Here’s how to help the journey to 2m.
- Friends of the Earth have a petition demanding that wealthy nations act on the climate to protect poorer nations
- Friends of the Earth have another petition asking the UK Government to take decisive action for the climate
- There is no excuse for building new homes that are not designed for net zero, but the promised new regulations have not yet been implemented – join the petition from 38 degrees
- Oxfam petition to Boris Johnson calling for a greener, fairer future
- Global petition to save the Amazon on
- Fairtrade farmers are asking for climate action to be fair to farmers in the way governments distribute their share of the climate promise.
- There are several more petitions focused on individual countries to protect rainforests from encroaching commercial developments.
- Sign the petitions against UK Government approvals for new coal mines and oil fields whch will increase our carbon footprint.
- Over 100000 people signed a petition closed in August 2021 promising action – read the promises here and write to your MP asking for an update on the commitments it contains – you might even question why an answer produced in August refers to a report that WILL be published in Spring 2021 if they are serious. There is a debate in Parliament scheduled for 1st November.
- What’s the problem with food? Sign a petition from Feedback to tell Boris Johnson to stop feeding climate change.
- Write to your MP using a template letter prepared by Christian AId – MPs are much more likely to respond to issues that fill their inboxes – make sure they are full of climate justice demands.
- Make a prayer boat in support of the Young Christian Climate Network. Surely, this concept has got you curious. Don’t just be curious, be furious as you float your prayer.
Seeking something else?
There are a lot of ways listed above, but maybe you are seeking something else. Is your heart burning with some climate issue that you think is going unheard? What can you do?
The government is bound to answer a petition which generates support from more than 100000 people in the UK. How many friends do you have? As long as you have more than 5, you can start a new petition and test out the popularity of your idea. Start here.
38 degrees is a campaign organisation created to fight for matters of justice. They chose their name to represent the angle of a slope at which snowflakes create an avalanche. They have connections with over 2m people in the UK, and they help you to create a petition for change, which, with enough passion and a true social justice cause, may build an avalanche of support. Be adventurous and start a new movement for change
Found something else?
We want to know about any other significant campaigns, so that we can help share the message as widely as possible. Please share details about the petition and provide the link, by filling in the form here.