We need to respond to the climate emergency. In the Ipswich Methodist Circuit, we have chosen to work together supporting each other in a concerted campaign in which we balance the need to inform ourselves through active learning, sharing our understanding with others by speaking out, ensuring we make a difference through our actions, and by drawing on the love of God for the ownder of his creation to inspire hope.
There are many ways to speak out and be heard. In these pages, we aim to help you make your voice heard.
Active campaigns
As you learn more about the climate crisis, it becomes increasingly clear that many of the keys to unlocking the solutions rest in the hand of policy-makers and other global leaders. Political leaders have their hands closer to the levers of change than almost anyone else. The way they implement taxes and laws can be the make or break of the changes we need to see happen, but every policy change will be unpopular to one special interest group or another. It is imperative that in the fight for climate justice as many people as possible make their voice heard so that decision-makers cannot keep deferring critical decisions.

You can add your voice in support of climate action through existing campaigns – but sometimes it is not easy to know what is happening. The campaign page provides quick links to petitions and campaigns organised by reputable roganisations interested in climate justice. We aim to keep the links as up to date as we can. If you are aware of another campaign, one of those we have listed is now closed, or if one of our links is broken, please help us keep our campaign as useful as possible by letting us know by following the link below
In the weeks leading up to COP26 starting on 1st November, people all over the world will be holding events to make their voice heard. We will be listing here events we know are happening in the Ipswich area. If you are organising an event in the Ipswich and East Suffolk area, please do send us the details so that we can help publicise it here.
Effective lobbying
MPs are more likely to respond to important issues when their constuents make it clear that a subject matters to them. Follow this link to find how to contact your MP. You will also find helpful guidance on how to approach them.
Write to your MP
We’ve provided a suggested letter which you can download and send by email or post.
Letters sent from the Ipswich Circuit
We have shared our commitment to climate justice by writing to other groups. We have sent greetings and messages of solidarity to those with whome we want to express our shared views and support. We have also sent messages making clear our commitment to the urgency with which caction is required from leaders and decision makers.
Beware the effects of denial
Taking action on climate change will be difficult, and will require most change in lifestyle from those most comfortably off. There will be many powerful voices unhappy about the changes demanded. Climate justice demands that Christians and others do not allow denial campaigns to gain momentum. We must be well informed through our learning, but then vocal in support of truth and climate justice, however daunting that may seem. Make sure you learn from reliable sources so that you can challenge people who are in denial about the urgency of taking action against climate change.