Book Review: Changing the Climate

Review by Helen Lewis

This book is written by a Methodist family, Debbie and David, who are both psychologists and their young son Jamie, 14, who has some bright ideas which will appeal to the young. It is very easy to read.

There are three sections and a very full Appendix:

  1. The Problem (Waste, Want)
  2. Why we should act (Faith in action, Love, Justice, hope, wisdom)
  3. What we can do (Travel, planting, food, large and small actions, dreams)

 Appendix with lots of useful facts and figures and information

Each chapter starts with a Bible passage and could be used individually or within a church group. Prayers and questions with spaces for answers and notes make a stimulating read.

Most books on the climate are purely secular, so this one is different. Debbie and David work for Tearfund and Jamie campaigns on behalf of the ‘Green Agents for Change’ initiative within the Methodist Church.

218 pages