Climate Focus

Green Choices

As part of my role within the URC Youth, I am the nominated “Green Apostle” for the young people. Among other things, I sit on a national committee of “Green Apostles” who meet twice a year to discuss different actions that can be taken on smaller and larger scales to reduce our impact, both as…

Blah! Blah! Blah!

Greta Thunberg certainly caught the world’s attention with that one word! She was attending the Pre-COP 26 meeting in Milan, where various world leaders were meeting to try and agree on actions before the main COP-26 meeting in Glasgow which starts this week, and accused the world’s politicians of “30 years of blah! blah! blah!”…

A wondering people….

I am now the proud owner of three different coloured passports, OK two of them have expired. Thank goodness my last one expired, my photo makes me look like a corpse! When you cannot wear glasses and you are staring straight ahead terrified you might blink as the camera flashes. There was a great deal…

The 5 Rs to Zero waste

If you get your milk delivered by the milkman you may have seen this image of the 5 Rs. REFUSE to buy unnecessary items. We are a society of consumers. Even in lockdown we were still shopping, with delivery drivers on the roads for long hours at a time, and not always essentials and grocery…

Which wine do you prefer?

As part of my retirement gift from my colleagues at the Surgery I was given a voucher for a tour of the vineyard at Chilford Hall in Cambridgeshire. It was really interesting to hear how the grapes are cultivated on the vines, harvested and then turned into various wines – white, rose, red and sparkling,…