Neanderthal Man

I was recently watching a programme about Neanderthal man who lived on earth around 35,000 years ago and the main focus of the programme was the beautiful artwork that had been left hidden for tens of thousands of years and only recently discovered.

The main role of Neanderthal man way back then was to explore, hunt and gather to survive by following the rivers and the herbivores and they were also brilliant artists!

The artwork found hidden in the caves has been reproduced in France and it was certainly created by extremely talented Neanderthal artists.

To see the simplicity of the pattern painted across the cave wall using just the palm of the hands dipped in paint leaving the cave more beautiful than it would have been when they first began painting, left me thinking about the changes we are leaving behind during our lifetime?

Also, the mastery of the artists so long ago painting amazing scenes of carnivores hunting herbivores and using the natural shape of the cave walls to create almost three-dimensional Lions hunting and Antelope fleeing bringing the whole scene to life was amazing to see whilst the beauty of the cave walls had only been enhanced, nothing had been spoilt.

Neanderthal man lived on our planet and trod lightly over its surface leaving only beauty behind for us to discover.

What are we leaving behind for future generations to discover? we take so much from our planet I wonder whether there will be any beauty left from modern man’s existence?

The programme left me with a sense of sadness at what beauty has already been lost.

God created a beautiful garden for us to live in harmony alongside one another. We must remember this and strive to fulfill gods wishes.

We already have more than enough so let’s remember Neanderthal man and how lightly he trod across the surface of the earth.