The power of personal testimony

Police Inspector Barry Wright was not just a policeman at Scotland Yard, he was also an ordained priest in the church of England.. The odd thing, looking back to his early life, is that, even as a child, he wanted to be both a policeman and a priest but he didn’t know what to do to achieve either ambition.

Decision time came at the age of 17 – study to become a priest or police training. The police service won.

Years passed with promotion until he applied for his ordination training. To his surprise (and great joy) he was informed that he could combine theological training while still continuing his career with the police.

He applied his Christian faith to a variety of police situations – dealing with victims of crime and juvenile criminals – to name but two.

Barry didn’t trumpet his faith in his job as a policeman but quietly showed his commitment to Jesus by his attitude and behavior.

I’m not ashamed to own my Lord,
Or to defend his cause,
Maintain the honour of his word,
The glory of his cross.

Isaac Watts  Hymns & Psalms 677