News (Page 67)

Open Minds

A well-known yeast extract spread, and useful cooking ingredient is notorious as a polariser of tastes and views. You love it or you loathe it; ambivalence is not generally associated with opinions about it. Today the Church remembers the Ascension of Jesus, forty days after the resurrection and with ten days to go before the…


In a recent daily Bible reading, I was intrigued by the opening words of the comment. “In church, we like to talk about what we were saved from. We were saved from sin and God’s judgement. But we don’t often ask, “What were we saved for?”. One of my favourite Bible books is Ephesians and…


I wonder how many of you know the meaning of Ember Cards.  I had not heard of them until a few weeks ago.  Our niece, Rachel, is being ordained as a Deacon in Christ Church Cathedral, Oxford, by Steven, Lord Bishop of Oxford on 1st July 2023.  We are very proud of her and she…

Lectionary Reflections – Sunday 21st May 2023

7th Sunday of Easter            – (Sunday after Ascension Day)       Year A             21st May 2023 Lectionary Readings: Acts 1 v6-14;     Psalm 68 v1-10, 32-35;     1 Peter 4 v12-14; 5 v6-11.            John 17 v1-11                    Questions, questions. Luke has two versions of the Ascension. Why? At the end of his gospel, Luke says Jesus…