News (Page 66)

Lectionary Reflections – Sunday 28th May 2023

Day of Pentecost                                Year A                                                 28th May 2023 Lectionary Readings: Numbers 11 v24-30;      Psalm 104 v24-34, 35b;      Acts 2 v1-21;      John 20 v19-23                 ‘A breath of fresh air’ An expression we use to suggest that someone has made a positive difference to our lives. I think we can describe Jesus as ‘a breath…

Suffolk Sunrise

Following on from my TFTD last week, but the time you are reading this, I will have hopefully completed the Ride Suffolk cycle ride. This cycle ride was previously called Suffolk Sunrise, and much as I enjoy an early morning pedal, getting up to start out at sunrise (5am) is not something I look forward…

Aldersgate Sunday

We have a special event in the Methodist Church during the spring of every year called the Presbyteral Synod.  It is a gathering of all Presbyters (ministers who wear dog collars) across the Methodist District and it is a day that I hold dear in my heart because we share in a service of Holy…

Wonderful world

Do you ever find something you’re not looking for while you are searching for something else. I found the following poem by accident. It was written by an elderly gentleman in my previous church in N. Ireland. We do not need to see a sign To know that you are here, We only have to look…

God sees

It’s easy to get discouraged when church congregations seem to be dwindling and statistics show that people seem to have little interest in the things of God. God is watching Recently I read this story of a band of travelling musicians and actors who were performing from town to town. Times were hard, audiences were…