God of more than enough

I’ve just returned from the AGM of Together For Ipswich who work ‘across Ipswich churches, charities, local authorities and anchor institutions to enable the people of Ipswich to thrive and grow physically, emotionally, socially and spiritually’. It is easy to be overwhelmed by the needs of our community but lots is being done that’s very positive.

As a local circuit, there is a vast mission field and we maybe facing the future with few presbyters and no named superintendent. The fields are indeed white and the labourers few. The passage that keeps on echoing in my head is the account in Mark’s gospel (Mark 6:30-44) of the Feeding of the 5,000.

The disciples were surrounded by many needy people. Their response was to send them away so they could satisfy their needs themselves. They were unaware or unaccepting that maybe the crowds didn’t all have the resources to be able to do that. Jesus said, ” You feed them.” The disciples protested, much as we could do now – we don’t have the resources, it would cost us too much.

Jesus’ response was to tell them to look at what you have, offer it to Him, obey and trust Him to provide. Just as Jesus wasn’t going to let anyone leave physically hungry, God is not going to let anyone starve spiritually. We mustn’t be fixated on how we’ve done things in the past, the traditional ways we’ve used our resources. We need to look at what we do have and offer it up to Him with enthusiastic expectancy. Maybe some initial self sacrifice will be involved,  obedience and trust will be necessary but just look at the results in the Bible account.

Jesus’ followers were given all they needed to provide more than enough for the people who were there, probably what was left was enough for others in the villages to be fed – maybe even the birds too. Who knows how many will be touched  by God’s gracious future provision?