News (Page 58)

All part of God’s creation

At our Hobbies group a gentleman comes most weeks and even though he is a very talented artist, he just likes to listen to the chat or have a quiet discussion with a few of us. The other week he and I were talking about waves. We both agreed that it can be very calming…

World Chocolate Day

Today, July 7th, is World Chocolate Day. What an excuse to eat chocolate! If you go on the internet, you can find menus for the day encouraging you to incorporate chocolate in every meal, snack and drink in this 24-hour period. Cacao trees may have been growing in the wild for 10,000 years. The Olmec…

Lawful protest

‘We believe that Christ gives his Church a government distinct from the government of the state. In things that affect obedience to God the Church is not subordinate to the state, but must serve the Lord Jesus Christ, its only Ruler and Head. Civil authorities are called to serve God’s will of justice and peace…

No more excuses!

Noah was a drunk….. Abraham was too old………..  Jeremiah and Timothy were too young………..  Isaac was a day dreamer……… Leah was ugly…… Joseph was abused…….. Moses had a stuttering problem……. Gideon was afraid…… Samson had long hair and was a womaniser….. Rahab was a prostitute…… David had an affair and was a murderer………. Elijah was…

Unexpected places

“Teacher,” said John, “we saw someone driving out demons in your name and we told him to stop, because he was not one of us.”“Do not stop him,” Jesus said. “For no one who does a miracle in my name can in the next moment say anything bad about me,for whoever is not against us is for…

Lectionary Reflections – Sunday 9th July 2023

14th Sunday in Ordinary Time                    Year A                                                 9th July 2023 Lectionary Readings: Zechariah 9 v 9-12;   Psalm 145 v8-14;   Romans 7 v 15-25a;   Matthew 11 v 16-19, 25-30.     The Rescuer. “I will come to your rescue and offer you hope”. (Zechariah 9 v 11-12a). The prophet was addressing the people of Jerusalem after their…

Wrong turns

Last weekend I took part in a cycling event in Oxfordshire. The intention was to cycle with my sister and her friend but at 9.30pm the night before my niece suddenly announced that she would like to join us. So, with zero training and a bike that was possibly OK we set off early the…