No need to shout

My husband and I enjoy watching the Bridge of Lies in the afternoon. The aim for each contestant is to make their way across the “Bridge” without standing on a lie. The question topic for each crossing has some answers which are true and some which are false. Each true answer earns the person more money with each correct step but halves the amount if they stand on a lie.

If they stand on three lies, they are out of the game. Sometimes the answers are obvious but at other times they are really difficult. Many times, I find myself almost shouting at the contestants to not stand on a certain step. It’s a very good job that they can’t hear me as I sometimes shout the wrong answer!!

How often in life do you raise your voice to try to get someone to listen? It’s so frustrating to not be able to get others to hear what you are trying to say. On the other hand, are you the person who doesn’t hear the voice of others? 

Thank You Lord that we don’t have to shout for you to hear us. We don’t even have to speak at all. You know what is in our hearts and minds. You hear our quiet prayers and help us to show your love to others.