News (Page 311)

Joan’s Jottings for 26th March

While so many are stuck indoors, I am grateful that the sun is shining as we look out of the windows. For my exercise yesterday, I took a walk to the Rushmere Heath and the gorse is blooming, and it was beautiful. In amidst the difficulties we are facing, there are many beautiful moments. Look for them and enjoy them and give thanks.

“Jesus appears to His disciples”

Thought for the day – Thursday 26th March 2020 Bible reading – John 20:19  On the evening of that first day of the week, when the disciples were together, with the doors locked for fear of the Jewish leaders “Corona Virus”, Jesus came and stood among them and said, “Peace be with you!” I have just returned from…

Blood Donors Urgently Needed

Bramford Road Methodist church have been asked if they can hold some additional sessions during the current crisis as donations are down by approximately 15% at the moment.Please can you encourage people you know to sign up and help to save lives.More information can be found by clicking on the images below

“The everlasting arms”

Thought for Today – Wednesday 25th March 2020 These are unprecedented times. We have never known life like this, where so much seems out of control and chaos is on such a grand scale. Perhaps, more than ever before, we are going to experience wilderness fatigue as we all go further into this crisis. A…

“The gifts of the Spirit”

Thought for Today – Tuesday 24th March 2020 Bible Reading 1 Corinthians 12: 1-11 The Prime Minister announced new, more stringent measures yesterday evening to attempt to keep the Covid 19 Virus under control as numbers of those infected increase and as a result, this morning has a very different feel with only “essential” shops…

Mental Health Resources

Taking care of yourself and those around you. Increasing isolation, bombardment of negative and worrying news stories and concerns for the health of those we love, can heighten anxiety levels and cause depression. The Methodist Church has looked at some resources available to support people at this difficult time. Find the resources here.