News (Page 311)

“Go forward and tell?”

Thought for the day – Wednesday 13th May 2020 Words are powerful things.  They convey meaning when used well, but they can create mayhem if misused or misunderstood, or worse still used with malice or mischief.  I’m sure at this moment, we are discovering afresh just how easily words can hurt and how they cause damage when…

Mo Clarke – Methodist Insurance Church Volunteer Awards

We have previously posted about Mo Clarke from Capel St Mary Methodist Church who has won the East of England regional award in the Methodist Insurance Church volunteer awards. She has recently been interviewed on local radio and the interview is very encouraging and inspirational. You can listen to the audio here : Mo Clarke…

Copy of Lectionary reflections for Sunday 17th May 2020

6th Sunday of Easter              Year A                                                                       Lectionary Readings Acts 17 v22-31           Paul in Athens. 1 Peter 3 v13-22         Suffering for doing right. John 14 v15-21          The Holy Spirit is promised. We are not orphans, we are children of a loving God. In the passage from Acts, Paul is telling his sceptical audience that…

“The story of the Jews” – DVD Review

The Story of the Jews ; written and presented by Simon Schama (2013)                             BBC dvd 2 discs £7     5 programmes 5 hours subtitles             1)    In the Beginning             2)    Among Believers             3)    A Leap of Faith             4)    Over the Rainbow             5)    Return From ancient times to the present day, Simon…

“Every New Day”

Thought for the day – Monday 11th May 2020 Every New day- Anna Howes Bible reading Psalm 92:1,2,4It is good to praise the Lord and make music to your name, O Most Highproclaiming your love in the morning and your faithfulness at night,For you make me glad by your deeds, Lord, I sing for joy at what your hands have…