News (Page 261)

February Newsletter

Dear Friends This letter contains Mike Peck’s Bible Study notes (Click this link) ; a heart template for Valentines Day , a mediation called “Fathers Love Letter”, produced with permission and the booklet we will be using for this year’s Ipswich Circuit Lent Course book, entitled “Woven – A Lent Course”. This particular course has…

Lectionary Reflections – Sunday 7th February 2021

Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time                   Year B                                     7th February 2021. Lectionary Readings: Isaiah 40 v21-31                    God rules the whole earth. Psalm 147 v1-11, 20c.            Sing and Praise the Lord. 1 Corinthians 9 v16-23.        The rights of an apostle. Mark 1 v29-39.                      Jesus heals many people. Healing and Healing. The passage of scripture from Mark’s…

Into the unknown

I’ve said before on here that I am a Disney fan! I was watching Frozen 2 again and was drawn to listen to the words of Elsa’s song “Into the unknown” when she hears the voice that only she can hear and it unsettles her.  Into the unknown  (Oh) I can hear you but I…

God suprises

Sometimes life offers us unexpected surprises.  I was quite interested to see that as I peeled a satsuma this morning and pulled the segments open that right in the heart of the fruit was a tiny replica of the larger outer one.  In all my days, I don’t remember seeing this before and, sad as…


The 2000 US presidential election was finally decided after weeks of recounts, court battles and controversy about punch-card ballots. Political pundits and comedians had a heyday. Even after the Florida recount wrangling was over, a billboard along the Michigan highway reminded travellers of those post-election days. It carried this clever message: “Count your blessings. Recount…

Suprise !!

I received a parcel in the post the other day which had a typed label and no indication on the wrapper who it was from, I was mystified by it – I hadn’t ordered anything and it wasn’t my birthday. Inside the outer wrapper was another one which also had my name on it but…

Are we near the top yet ?

Philippians 4:13 “I can do all this through him who gives me strength.” One of the things my husband and I enjoy doing is walking in the hills and mountains. Unfortunately the weather often conspires against us, hampering the view when we reach the summit. I remember when we were climbing Ben Lomond in 2016.…