News (Page 217)

Lectionary Reflections – Sunday 14th March 2021

Fourth Sunday in Lent                                 Year B                                                 14th March 2021 Lectionary readings Numbers 21 v4-9.   Psalm 107 v1-3, 17-22.   Ephesians 2 v1-10.   John 3 v14-21                        Symbols of God’s saving activity. In the gospel reading John is linking the lifting up of Jesus on the cross with the bronze snake lifted up on a pole…


Boris is not the only one who needs a hair cut!  Instead of talking about the weather one of the main topics of conversation is – when will I be able to get a hair cut!   I last had mine cut at the beginning of December and from what the Government are saying will have…

Putting things to rights

One of the things I have missed during the last year has been our family holiday to Conistone in Wharfedale, about three miles up the Dale from Grassington in some beautiful countryside. Normally over twenty of us spend time in communal living, there is no television, so we entertain ourselves, chatting, catching up on each…

Shropshire saint

Shropshire saint : a study in the ministry and spirituality of Fletcher of Madeley by George Lawton Epworth Press, 1960  136 pages  £16   (The Wesley Historical Society Lecture, no. 26) If there is anything at all which would encourage you to read the life of John Fletcher of Madeley, it must be the accolade proposed…

She gave me my first Bible

In Lent we have space to think about Mothers and Mothering.  Here are some thoughts which come to mind, possibly to make the meaning of Mothering Sunday a bit deeper? 1.  She gave me my first Bible She was a lovely woman, Mrs. C, and she lived next door to me when I was little.…


Some of you will be of sufficient age to remember the telephone in the hall. Possibly an extension to another room but one line, shared by all, no automatic answering device, no record of missed calls. In those days, if the ‘phone rang it was answered because it ‘must be important’. People who relied on…

Senses of the sea – Smell

Our eldest son’s boxer dog, Ruby, loves coming to stay with Grandma and Grandad. It’s not that she doesn’t like chasing around the heaths and woods of Surrey, but as far as Ruby is concerned, there is nowhere better than a beach! She lies very quietly in the back of the car during the 2-hour…