News (Page 133)

I wonder?

I have recently been sorting and clearing out some of my many books. My late husband was an incorrigible collector of books but he never got rid of any. Do any of you know someone like that?!  During this process I have discovered some treasures and I hope to share some with you over the…

Sing to the Lord a new song 1

I was reading an article in my regular Christian magazine this week and came across this article. “Did you know that the Australian regent honeyeater bird needs to learn to sing again?  Apparently it is on the verge of extinction which means that the few male birds that remain don’t have contact with older males from…

Congratulations Ma’am

Her Majesty The Queen was born the year before my late father. For a couple of years before he died, Father was constantly speculating about whether this weekend would ever come. Whoever you are and whatever your views on royalty generally and the British Royal Family particularly, today no one can deny the human achievement…

Memories from hymns

Another Thought for the Day of the hymns which are special to me and I hope will be of interest to you all.  It is ‘Dear Lord and Father of Mankind’. This hymn has been special for a number of reasons.  The first being that I just love the sentiments and the tune which seems…

A sign of faith

The Thought for the Day is from Philippians 2 v 2. then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and of one mind Long lines of cars were filling up the huge parking lot of a church where a gentleman was attending a conference. As he parked, he noticed the…

Lectionary Reflections – Sunday 5th June 2022

Pentecost                                            Year C                                                 5th June 2022 Lectionary Readings: Genesis 11 v1-9;    Psalm 104 v24-34, 35b;    Romans 8 v14-17;    Acts 2 v1-21;   John 14 v8-17. The Gift and Work of the Holy Spirit. In the Jewish tradition, the festival of Pentecost, a celebration of first fruits of harvest, comes fifty days after Passover. Some Christians…