Posts by Judith Steward

Location, location

A while ago I wrote on a thought for the day about the importance of open-air preaching in Wesley’s time. Last Sunday I had the opportunity to join in the open-air service on Orford Quay, organised by Stephen Cayley from Orford Methodist chapel annually. I had never been before but am pleased I made it…

I wonder?

I have recently been sorting and clearing out some of my many books. My late husband was an incorrigible collector of books but he never got rid of any. Do any of you know someone like that?!  During this process I have discovered some treasures and I hope to share some with you over the…

A Good Friend

A good friend is a special gift, given to us along the chequered path of life to help us and lift our spirits in times of trouble, and to share  happy experiences that become part of a shared history. I have such a friend in Angela, who I  met in my first week at university in…