News (Page 126)

Life’s essentials

We are living at the moment with no TV. Unfortunately it stopped working. We tried new batteries in the remote. We tried the good old, “switch it off and then switch it on”. We tried different plug sockets, all to no avail. We then remembered it was still under guarantee, (just!), so duly contacted John…

Lectionary Reflections – Sunday 17th July 2022

Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time                       Year C                        17th July 2022 Lectionary Readings: Genesis 18 v1-10a; Psalm 15; Colossians 1 v15-28; Luke 10 v38-42. What bothers Jesus. Luke follows the story of the ‘Good Samaritan’ with a seemingly random tale of two sisters. The Lord and his disciples were travelling along and came to a village.…

Prophetic untimeliness

Prophetic untimeliness : a challenge to the idol of relevance by Os GuinnessBaker Books, 2003  123 pages £   ISBN 978 0 801 065 606 The key to getting the main thrust of Os Guinness’s work is in the subtitle – ‘the idol of relevance’. The Christian gospel has ever been a challenge to the…

Action for children

Firstly, I apologize for the grainy nature of the picture, it comes from the 1917 edition of Highways and Hedges, the book of the National Children’s Home in its day. The governess in the picture is my granny, my maternal grandmother, who was the granddaughter of a Methodist Local Preacher, and her great grandfather was…


How do you pray? An article in a recent Saturday Times by Roderick Strange (Rector, St Mary’s University) reminded us that prayer is individual; there is no correct way to pray. Monsignor Strange highlighted the words of three sages of wisdom. First, Dom John Chapman, a biblical scholar of the 1930s, gave the advice to…

Success 1

Summer is here! Well, the days are long, the sun is shining most of the time, and my tomatoes are beginning to fruit. I’m very pleased with my veg and I enter it in our village show. I’ve even won prizes. Feeling successful is an uplifting experience. Have a quick thought. When did you last…

Freedom, what freedom?

When we think about slavery we tend to think of the relatively recent past and the dilemmas thrown up by wealth derived from slavery, or we think about modern slavery. All this is about abuse and the curtailment of the lifestyle of one person or group by another person or group. Yes, that is simplistic…

The Missing Piece

Having just finished a knitting contract that had consumed most evenings for the best part of the last four months, I rewarded myself with a new jigsaw.  Forty two different teapots segmented into 1000 pieces, with little written captions – my favourite sort of challenge. The pieces were uniquely cut into odd and original shapes.…