Dear Siblings in Christ,
Lent begins on 2nd March this year, so we will be in the Lenten season by the time you read this! The 40 days of Lent begin with a call to repent, which means to turn around. We come acknowledging our brokenness and asking for forgiveness. What are we going to see as we return to God? In this Lenten season, what will we be surprised by and what will we need to relearn, to rediscover, to reperceive? The prophet Amos points out that God doesn’t want our offerings unless we are also concerned with justice and righteousness: Let justice roll down like waters, and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream. (Amos 5:24).
What Lenten discipline will you have this year? What will you let go or fast from? What will you cultivate or feast upon? As we think about climate action and other social justice issues, what will you challenge yourself to do?
Here are some ideas to consider:
- Learn about 9 important climate topics or read one of our recommended books about the climate.
- Pick some easy or hard actions from our ways to be green or 150 ideas or from the Eco Church survey.
- Choose some ways to speak out to politicians or join the campaigns of concerned groups.
- Become inspired or inspire hope in others.
All are invited to a Lent Study at Museum Street on Thursdays at 10 – 11.30 a.m. from 3rd March to 14th April. Rising to the Call is a study about the challenges and joy of discipleship. We will look at the Lectionary Year C gospel scripture passages as we ask seven big questions that can be applied to our discipleship in general and to issues of justice.This study has been written collaboratively by David Welbourn and myself and we are co-leading this group. The circuit online worship services during Lent will also follow this theme, as will the sermons at Museum Street. Download the study guide here.

Colouring a Lent Calendar is a simple, daily, and playful but serious practice for praying our way through the forty days of Lent. We have some free Lent Prayer Calendars available to download. Each day (from Wednesday 2nd March to Saturday 16th April), choose a word to ponder or a person to pray for. Write the word or name in the allotted space with a pen and draw or doodle around it. The honeycomb is a reminder of our wonderfully created world. While we celebrate the gift of bees and the honey they produce, we also lament the threat of climate change on the bee population. Download the calendar and find more details here.
ZOOM coffee morning (contact us for the code) is on Wednesdays at 10 a.m.
Friday Coffee Morning from 10 a.m. to 11.30 a.m. at Chantry.
Friday Tea & Toast from 9.15 to 10.30 at Landseer Road; mid-week activities (Toddlers, Choir and Craft Club) are running during term term.
Here is March’s preaching plan (*=communion, L=Livestream, LA=local arrangement, P=Parade). Or download the plan for the whole circuit.
Chantry 9.30 a.m. | Museum St 10.45 a.m. | Landseer Rd 11 a.m. | Video from 6 a.m. | |
6th Mar | Pell – P | Westren | No Service | Pell |
13th Mar | I Gardner | C Finbow | *Pell | Welbourn |
20th Mar | Almond | *Pell – L | No Service | Pell |
27th Mar | *Pell | Welbourn | Jowett | Welbourn |
The March issue of our joint magazine for the three churches has been published. Read it here.
May you have a blessed Lenten journey.
In Christ
–Pastor Joan
Joan’s Jottings are written to the churches at Museum Street, Landseer Road and Chantry where Joan is the minister, and a monthly summary is shared here for all to read.