Following in Father’s footsteps

Even before my son went to school, he had decided what he wanted to do when he was grown up. Every night at bedtime, he would settle down under the blankets in a sitting position, with an old steering wheel, a flask of tea and some out of date maps. “Tonight, I’ve got to drop off a load in Liverpool, then pick up pallets for Arbroath, Mum”

I’d go into the room later; the maps had slipped to the floor along with the steering wheel and the flask was emptied. He was asleep, apparently dreaming of roadworks and weather conditions, as in the morning he would give me a blow-by-blow account of his journey and the characters he had encountered on the way.

Of course, now he is a long-distance lorry/tanker driver – a job that takes him away from his family and friends, but a job that he loves. It’s a tough job – uncomfortable, unsocial and sometimes threatening and dangerous, so why did he choose that life and at such an early age? Because it was what his Daddy did. Following in his father’s footsteps….

I pray that I might have the same compulsion to be like my heavenly Father – to follow His map (the Bible), drink from his living water (Jesus) and keep straight on the narrow road without wavering. It’s not an easy path but the destination makes it all worthwhile.