Are you using your power?

I recently watched a programme on television about the Zambesi river. It was amazing to see the story of its journey beginning in North-west Zambia to ending in Mozambique where it flowed into the Indian Ocean. From small beginnings to the flood plains, Victoria Falls, the Zambesi wave, Lake Kariba and all the areas in between, the power of the water was magnificent. I really enjoyed all the wildlife which featured as well.

In one part a young boy was filmed walking to school. The ground was dry and dusty but when the rains came and the ground was flooded, he paddled in a little canoe to his school, which fortunately was built on higher ground so it was able to remain open. He said that if he saw a crocodile or a hippo in the water, he just paddled away from them. I wonder how our children or grandchildren would cope in these circumstances!

Another part scared me as I watched a young man risk his life to surf the Zambesi wave. Apparently, it was completely different from normal sea surfing as the water pulled you in a different direction. Not something I would ever want to attempt.

In another part some elephants crossed the river to get to an island in the middle of it which had a very plentiful stock of their favourite food. Unfortunately, it was very close to the Victoria Falls and the elephants faced the real danger of being swept over the falls. My heart was beating very fast as one smaller elephant was being swept away but thankfully it struggled very hard and reached safety. At times when we face being swept away by problems do we have to struggle to keep our heads above water?

Lake Kariba is one of the largest manmade lakes in the world. Here the power of the river is harnessed into hydroelectric power which supplies Zambia and Zimbabwe with electricity. Do we have any power which could be harnessed to help others?

God’s creation is truly wonderful. The power and beauty of the Zambesi and the people, wildlife and countries to which it brings life, are amazing.

Thank You Lord.