Thought for the day (Page 41)

Every day we post a Thought for the day written by someone within the circuit. Some are very light hearted and some are very deep theologically with all bases between covered.

We hope these will encourage, uplift and make you reflect but most of all we hope you enjoy reading these small daily snippets and take some inspiration on your daily journey

“I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go” (Genesis 28:15)


When I sorted out my Mother’s things after she died over 10 years ago now I found a small spiral bound notebook.  It is a book of prayers my mother had written and I treasure it. Mum was the President of the Women’s Meeting (as it was called then) for about 6 years and the…

Wind of change

I don’t particularly like it when the wind is blowing at night. I lie in bed listening to watering cans clattering across the back yard, rubbish bins being blown over. I can see all my recycling rubbish being strewn across the neighbouring fields. I live in a sturdy house but it still feels like one…


Back in the 1960’s in the days when the Whitsuntide bank holiday coincided with the celebration of Pentecost, the people of Bradford would crowd on the pavements of the city to watch the walkers.  The race, in its day was oldest road walking event in the world and at its height attracted several hundred walkers…

All life’s experiences

I’ve just returned from N. Ireland having spent a week visiting family and friends. On one of the days we enjoyed a lovely afternoon with my sister and brother-in-law. When I opened the door as we were leaving there were some visitors standing on the welcome mat waiting to get into the house. Her seven very…

Water, wind and fire

Water, wind and fire – all symbols of the Holy Spirit. All can be small and gentle – dew drops, baby’s breath, candle flames or enormous and devastating – tsunamis, hurricanes, forest fires. Powerful, out of control, scary. Sometimes, I’m guilty of taking God for granted. Of wanting Him on my terms – a nice…


The recent Coronation of King Charles III and Queen Camilla provoked debate over the use of a form of oath of allegiance to the King. People were divided about what they thought; some opinions were strong. In his digital sermon for the Ipswich Methodist Circuit the following day, the Reverend Ian Gardner asked the pertinent…

Travelling blind

This thought was first published in November 2020 Today I nearly cried.  A television programme took my breath away.  It is rare for any programme to make be even consider becoming tearful; even ‘War Horse’ did not make me cry, (well not much). Probably if I had not walked past the DIY shop, I would…


I have been reading my Eddie Askew Book again and the thoughts there seem to always make me smile, but also seem to hit home! Today it was about Eddie’s dog Millie.  By all accounts it is a small dog and they always seem to make the most noise.  Millie seems to be protective of…

Suffolk Sunrise

Following on from my TFTD last week, but the time you are reading this, I will have hopefully completed the Ride Suffolk cycle ride. This cycle ride was previously called Suffolk Sunrise, and much as I enjoy an early morning pedal, getting up to start out at sunrise (5am) is not something I look forward…

Aldersgate Sunday

We have a special event in the Methodist Church during the spring of every year called the Presbyteral Synod.  It is a gathering of all Presbyters (ministers who wear dog collars) across the Methodist District and it is a day that I hold dear in my heart because we share in a service of Holy…