Thought for the day (Page 142)

Every day we post a Thought for the day written by someone within the circuit. Some are very light hearted and some are very deep theologically with all bases between covered.

We hope these will encourage, uplift and make you reflect but most of all we hope you enjoy reading these small daily snippets and take some inspiration on your daily journey

“I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go” (Genesis 28:15)

“Penny dropping moments”

Bible reading – 1 John 1:9If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness Have you had those moments when suddenly the penny drops, and you see things more clearly than before? I knew about confession of sin, I knew about forgiveness of…


You can’t fail to have noticed the words ‘normal’ and ‘normality’. They are to be heard and read everywhere. For the Christian disciple, ‘normal’ and ‘normality’ both have a meaning far beyond their current usage. Years ago, I heard a lecture by an American theologian and philosopher, Dr Francis Schaeffer, who, in the course of the lecture,…


A few years ago, a 42-foot sailboat got caught in stormy seas off the east coast of the United States. Waves rose higher and higher until a giant wave flipped the boat upside down. The heavy keel righted the craft, but damage was significant.   A Coast Guard cutter quickly responded to the sailboat’s SOS. But…

“Seeking the Lost”

I received a message on Facebook on Saturday from a total stranger. The lady had taken the photograph on the right and asked if the book was mine.  As you can see it was a Sunday School prize presented to me in 1964, I would have been five, almost six when this book first came…

“The Big Issue”

This week I was delighted to see Leanne (not the Vendors real name) back , selling the “Big Issue” in Felixstowe. She and many others in similar situations have had a very tough time during lockdown. Not all “Big Issue” vendors have been able to return to work at once.  Health issues mean some are…

“He is enough”

Thought for the Day – Friday 7th August 2020 The airline had mangled Debbie’s luggage. Then her purse disappeared. Instead of entering the airport through an enclosed corridor she stumbled off the plane in pouring rain. She was drenched, far from home with no money, no identification and no dry clothes.    Under normal circumstances…


Thought of the day – Thursday 6th August 2020 I’m not sure where you’re finding hope, optimism and positivity in the current crisis, but sometimes it can be found in the most unlikely places. In the book of Joshua in the Bible, there’s a story about a man called Achan. In his story, there’s a…


Thought for the day – Wednesday 5th August 2020 There was an article in the Daily Telegraph about a month ago about balancing each day.  It said that there was almost nothing more calming than creating a balance when you plan your daily activities.  Life will then seem more purposeful and organised.  Balance is created…

“Fix your eyes”

Thought for the day – Tuesday 4th August 2020 Whilst away visiting family (most importantly our Grandson!) I went out for a run. The pavements in the part of Liverpool they live are not very well maintained. Despite concentrating on where my feet fell I took a rather nasty tumble and have ended up with…

How can we sing a new song ?

Thought for the day – Monday 3rd August 2020 This Thought for the day is based on a Liturgy written by Revd Michaela Youngson, past President of Conference and Chair of the London District. (It can be found on the back of the opening letter of this Summer Connexion magazine.) The photo accompanying the liturgy…