Grant us all the wisdom

2 Chronicles 1 v 10.
Give me wisdom and knowledge, that I may lead this people, for who is able to govern this great people of yours?”

When offered one wish, Midas, a legendary Phrygian king, asked that all he touched might turn to gold. His golden desire granted, Midas realised as soon as he wanted to eat that the gift was a curse, not a blessing. Although he got what he wanted, he didn’t want what he got.

King Solomon was also offered one wish. But he didn’t waste it on a selfish, greedy request. Instead, he asked for wisdom that he might judge God’s people justly. In requesting wisdom above riches, Solomon revealed the right reasons for wanting to be wise. He asked not for his own benefit.

When I was young, I used to really wish that I would grow taller. My wish was never granted as I’m 4 ft 10 and a half inches and the only growing I’m doing now is outwards.

When I was having my medical before starting nursing the doctor told me I had to stretch myself as you were meant to be 5 ft. I think at that time I was probably an inch taller anyway so I didn’t have to stretch too much.

Over the years I’ve wished for many things, some granted and some not and I’ve learned to be happy and content with what I have.

(One of my favourite verses in the Bible Philippians 4 v 11 – I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances.)

Wise people balance their words and actions. They say and do the right things at the right time for the right reasons because they have taken God for their teacher.

Lord grant us all the wisdom to speak the truth in love.