Minister’s Messages (Page 6)

March Newsletter – No 2

Dear Friends Included in this letter is Mike Peck’s weekly reflection on the set lectionary readings and a poster giving you the information you require regarding Worship Opportunities in Church during Holy Week and Easter Sunday in the Felixstowe Mission Area. This poster will also be displayed at the Churches. If you are able to…

March Newsletter

Dear Friends, This is the 1st newsletter of March 2021 and is distributed together with a note from Alison Davis for those who attend Trinity. You will also find enclosed a booklet of Prayers to help you in your Lenten journey together with Mike Peck’s Bible Study notes for the 3rd Sunday in Lent, 7th…

February Newsletter (No.2)

Dear Friends    We are now in the season of Lent and included in this letter is Mike Peck’s Bible Study notes for this Sunday 28th February (Click this link) . Also included is a Self-care article  entitled  “Love yourself through Lent”.  A reminder daily on-line resources can be found at and on the websites…

Joan’s Jottings for February

Lent begins in the middle of February. Our theme for Lent this year will be God’s Promises focusing on the many promises that God has made to us. Beginning with God’s covenant promise to Noah, we will trace the Biblical story through to Christ’s death and resurrection which ultimately fulfilled those promises. We will begin with a short service on Ash Wednesday 17th February.

February Newsletter

Dear Friends This letter contains Mike Peck’s Bible Study notes (Click this link) ; a heart template for Valentines Day , a mediation called “Fathers Love Letter”, produced with permission and the booklet we will be using for this year’s Ipswich Circuit Lent Course book, entitled “Woven – A Lent Course”. This particular course has…

Joan’s Jottings for January

With the whole country moving into a National Lockdown, the government is allowing churches to remain open with restrictions in place. However, the leaders of our three churches, along with most of the other churches in our Circuit, have decided to remain closed for in-person services at this time. We will reassess the situation again at the end of February.