Joan’s Jottings for February

Dear Siblings in Christ,

[This is a compilation of the information in the past several weeks of Joan’s Jottings which is sent to those who have subscribed to it. Contact Rev. Joan to be added to the email list.]

Lent begins in the middle of February.  Our theme for Lent this year will be God’s Promises focusing on the many promises that God has made to us. Beginning with God’s covenant promise to Noah, we will trace the Biblical story through to Christ’s death and resurrection which ultimately fulfilled those promises. We will begin with a short service on Ash Wednesday 17th February, and then each Sunday of Lent plus some activities in Holy Week. There is a six-week circuit Bible Study which will be led by Rev. Diane Smith on Tuesday evenings beginning 16th February. We also have some suggestions for devotionals and a colouring page. All details will be published soon.

It was with sadness that we received the news that the UK COVID-19 death toll has exceeded 100,000 people. We collectively grieve for the lives lost in our nation and around the world; each one was a precious child of God.  Let us hold in prayer their souls and their loved ones as they grieve. At the same time, we give thanks for the rollout of the vaccine and that we have heard of so many of our over 80’s that have now been vaccinated or have appointments scheduled.

As we continue in this third lockdown, please call your church friends and neighbours regularly to check they are okay and to lift their spirits. There have been a lot of reports in the newspapers recently about the effects of social isolation on our mental health. Please reach out for help for you or your loved ones, if your or their mental health is suffering. Below are some useful helpline phone numbers.  You can also call me or your local church safeguarding officer if you have any concerns.

Samaritans 116 123
Anxiety UK 03444 775 774
Mind 0300 123 3393
Calm 0800 58 58 58
Crisis text line (text) 85258
Child-line 0800 11 11

There is a vaccination scam happening. Vaccinations are free – if you get contacted and asked to pay for it, then it is a scam. Here is the article from the East Anglian Daily Times.

With our three churches remaining closed for in-person worship, we worked together to design and order banners. Here are the photos from Landseer Road and Chantry and from the front and back of Museum Street.

January is a time when we often feel the winter blues, and this year with the National Lockdown and constant bad pandemic news, I expect that many of you are finding it hard to keep your spirits uplifted. On Monday 25th January, I took part in an annual clergy gathering by Zoom with my United Methodist colleagues in California. While it began at 9 a.m. for them, it was 5 p.m. for me, and we were not done until midnight!  It was lovely to be able to see so many familiar faces and to catch up with a few of them. While most of our time focused on the pandemic, there was one session about the power of laughter. This was not to minimize the seriousness of our discussions, but to remind us that laughter or even smiling releases endorphins, lowers blood pressure, boosts the mood and reduces stress. So, I encourage you to find something to laugh and smile at each day, whether with friends over the phone or by watching some comedy shows or reading a light-hearted book. I love this quote by Serene West.

Laughter is a melody, a concert from the heart, a tickling by the angels, creative living art. Laughter heals and comforts. It’s sometimes gentle – sometimes bold. Laughter is a freeing dance performed within the soul.  

Serene West

The President and Vice President of the Methodist Church have begun putting out a pastoral message every Monday that you can join live at 12.45 p.m. or afterwards here. If you have friends without computers, then the following Methodist phone numbers may be useful:

0808 281 2514        Listen to a prayerupdated every Thursday
0808 281 2695        Listen to a pastoral message from the President and Vice President – updated every Monday
0808 281 2478        Listen to the latest Podcast (a discussion on a topic) – updated fortnightly on a Thursday

I am keeping you in my prayers. May God’s peace be with you all,
In Christ
–Pastor Joan  

Rev. Joan Pell

Joan’s Jottings are written to the churches at Museum Street, Landseer Road and Chantry where Joan is the minister, and shared here for all to read.

Click here for previous Joan’s Jottings.