Posts by .Staff (Page 76)

Arts and Crafts 2020

This time of year is when the Ipswich Circuit normally hold their Bi-Annual Art and Craft competition. This year we have had to cancel this due to the Coronavirus pandemic. However, we know that there are many of you out there that are creating all kinds of wonderful Art and Craft pieces and we would…

Lectionary reflections for Sunday 24th May 2020

7th Sunday of Easter (Sunday after Ascension Day)                      Year A                         24.5.20. Lectionary Readings Acts 1 v6-14                           Jesus is taken to heaven. 1 Peter 4 v12-14; 5 v6-11.     Suffering and comfort. John 17 v1-11                         Jesus prays for his followers. Questions, questions. Luke has two versions of the Ascension. Why?  At the end of…

“Just walk beside me”

A great philosopher and theologian said this:- ” Don’t walk behind me;I may not lead. Don’t walk in front of me;I may not follow. Just walk beside me And be my friend” There are times for all of us ,perhaps highlighted during this pandemic, when we just need somebody to be our friend. Not necessarily to…

Mo Clarke – Methodist Insurance Church Volunteer Awards

We have previously posted about Mo Clarke from Capel St Mary Methodist Church who has won the East of England regional award in the Methodist Insurance Church volunteer awards. She has recently been interviewed on local radio and the interview is very encouraging and inspirational. You can listen to the audio here : Mo Clarke…

Copy of Lectionary reflections for Sunday 17th May 2020

6th Sunday of Easter              Year A                                                                       Lectionary Readings Acts 17 v22-31           Paul in Athens. 1 Peter 3 v13-22         Suffering for doing right. John 14 v15-21          The Holy Spirit is promised. We are not orphans, we are children of a loving God. In the passage from Acts, Paul is telling his sceptical audience that…

“The story of the Jews” – DVD Review

The Story of the Jews ; written and presented by Simon Schama (2013)                             BBC dvd 2 discs £7     5 programmes 5 hours subtitles             1)    In the Beginning             2)    Among Believers             3)    A Leap of Faith             4)    Over the Rainbow             5)    Return From ancient times to the present day, Simon…

Christian Aid Week 2020

Christian Aid week this years runs from 10th – 16th May. Their website which is full of information can be found at this link : Christian Aid Things are obviously very different this year with no doorstep envelope collections, but the need for Christian Aid to raise funds is very real, especially with the coronavirus…

Lectionary reflections for Sunday 10th May 2020

5th Sunday of Easter              Year A                                                                        Lectionary Readings Acts 7 v55-60              The stoning of Stephen.1 Peter 2 v2-10            A living stone and a holy nation.John 14 v1-14             Jesus, the face of the Father. Do we need a visual aid to explain a mystery? In the hymn, popular with children of all ages, ‘Our God…