Posts by Rev. Diane Smith (Page 4)

Virus as a Summons to Faith

A number of individuals have written books reflecting on our Faith and our response to the current Pandemic as Christians.  In today’s thought for the day may I suggest one very helpful book. Written by Water Brueggemann and entitled,      “Virus as a Summons to Faith”. In this book written in just six weeks Professor Brueggemann…

The joy of painting

What TV programmes in the height of Lockdown did you find helpful? One of the most popular was a 1970’s programme “The Joy of Painting” presentedby Bob Ross, a well-loved and inspirational presenter. Bob is an artist and his particular passion is landscapes. It was truly amazing towatch him take a blank canvas and turn…

The Methodist Art Collection

Over the last five weeks, in the garden at Kirton Methodist Chapel, for our time ofReflection and mediation at 4pm each Sunday afternoon, we have been looking atthe Modern Methodist Art collection. Everyone who has attended, has been give the full set of 24 postcards and togetherwe have been on a shared journey of discovery.…

Ride upon the storm

“Ride upon the storm” is a Danish drama translated into English and shown recently on Channel four. It is about a family of priests who can trace their roots back in the Dutch  Lutheran  Church for 250 years. It is full of drama and crisis and individuals who struggle and fall.  It is also fall…

The Earth is the Lord’s

The above is the title of this year’s Methodist Prayer Handbook 2020/2021. In the introduction Richard Teal, President of Conference and Carolyn Lawrence, Vice-Presidentprovide us with a challenging reflection on our Christian stewardship, in particular our call to care forpeople and planet. “ All of us are called to be good stewards of the Planet…

“Open Space”

In the Felixstowe Mission Area, during the months of August and September we are meeting in the garden at Kirton Chapel for Worship at 4pm each Sunday. So far, we have engaged with a “Birds of the Bible worship station experience” and a Garden Holy Communion (following social distancing guidelines). Plans are in place for…