Posts by Christine ONeill (Page 6)

Bar work

You may remember a few weeks ago I explained how Granddaughter senior would be attending a gymnastics trial. She loved it. The coaches were all very young (a sign of my age!) and very patient. She moved from activity to activity under their watch and gentle guidance. When we collected her for her second session,…


I went to a meeting at the weekend about Christians from different denominations and churches working together. It was an amazing experience and very challenging and encouraging to learn about other places in the country and the world where things are changing for the better because Christians are pooling their resources and helping each other…

Enjoy the benefits

Tomorrow will be a whole new experience as granddaughter senior goes to a trial gymnastics session. She has been obsessed with bouncing and being upside down for some time now. For her birthday she had a beam screwed into her bedroom floor to enable her to twist and twiddle round it. I’ve never really understood…

Red paint!

Back after the Christmas break, the Mothers and Toddlers group were making calendars.  Granddaughter hastily and clumsily donned a plastic apron, scrambled onto the dauntingly high adult chair and surveyed the scene on the table. She gleamed over to me with a look that said “Really Grandma? Accessible plates of coloured paint? Are you sure…

Hope Lost

As we left the Mothers’ and Toddlers’ Christmas party, my granddaughter, strapped in her buggy, was given a purple balloon to take home. How she loved this purple balloon! ‘Purple’ being the latest word and concept added to her vocabulary, she hugged it to herself so tightly I thought it might burst. It had a…


I’ve just returned home from the final Mothers and Toddlers meeting for the year – the Christmas Party. Our little ones watched puppets telling the Nativity story, had a lovely selection of finger foods to eat and sang Christmas songs. They had done a mini tour of the Church looking at the various Christmas displays…

Back off Grandma!

For about six months now, I’ve been taking my granddaughter to Mothers and toddlers on a Wednesday afternoon. I remember the first time we went through the doors of the hall and I tried to get her to come out of the security of her buggy. She shook her head vigorously and turned with her…

Dobbed in!

My granddaughter comes out of Mothers and Toddlers exhausted! What with physical activities in a large hall (pedal cars and slides), negotiations and tact needed (to accrue the best doll and pram), creative endeavours (painting, printing and sticking) and the musical challenge of singing and dancing (especially the exaggerated jumping needed to signify the sleeping…

Shine Jesus Shine

Recently the Christmas lights were switched on in the centre of my home town, heralding the start of late-night shopping. If they accidentally get left on during the day, it takes a while to notice – until the electricity bill is received! But because during the day, we have light, the light from the decorations…