Weekly Letter from Rev Diane Smith

Dear Friends

Enclosed in this mailing is a short sermon reflection from myself for Sunday 16th August and Mike Pecks ever helpful Bible study notes on the same theme.

The Felixstowe Mission Area Holiday Club was so well received last week that it is now possible to view it on the Circuit website .  Thank you, Robin and Mary.  It Is also available via Seaton Road’s website .

Thank you to those who have responded to our appeal for funds at the different Mission Area Churches, this is very much appreciated at this time. But, please keep them coming and if you have not made a donation, remember these are your churches and we urgently need funds to maintain the fabric of the buildings and the outreach the churches offer.

During August, three options for Worship will continue:

  • Sunday @ 11am -12 noon at Trinity
  • Sunday again, @ 4pm -5pm in the garden at Kirton.   This Sunday (16th) at Kirton, we have a service of Holy Communion (In compliance with social distancing guidelines). 
  • Thursday Mornings @ 10am -12 noon, the Church is open at Seaton Road with a 30 mins. act of worship at 10.30 conducted by either Rev’d Jo Jacobs or myself. 

Looking to September, I plan to start a weekly Prayer Meeting starting @ 10am on Tuesday Mornings, either in the garden at Trinity Manse (weather permitting) or at Trimley Methodist, if the congregation feel this would be a better option.

Mission Area Reflections of the Pandemic;

Would you like to write a short item for this proposed movable display or booklet that I intend to put together to record our experiences and faith journey within the Mission Area during the pandemic? Your contribution can be anything from a couple of paragraphs long to two sides of A4. I am looking for both reflective articles about your life and faith during the pandemic and humorous stories and jokes. It is hoped that together we can produce something of lasting value as we consider together all that we have been through in recent months. It would also be good to have some art work and I know we have many fine artists in the mission area.

Please email or post to me your contributions. Email dsmith2505@hotmail.com or post to me any contributions.  A reminder of my address.

Rev’d Diane Smith

Trinity Manse
Tower Road
IP11 7PR.

Thank you in advance.

Love and God Bless
Rev’d Diane