Time for truth : living free in a world of lies, hype and spin

Time for truth : living free in a world of lies, hype and spin  by Os Guinness   Baker Books, 2000
127 pages £5  ISBN 0 801 011 957

Despite the age and primary focus of this book, there is much of value in what Dr Guinness writes here.

The main thrust of the book is on the development of postmodernism and its approach to truth, which, in the event, carried the seeds of its own destruction. 

Postmodernism is, to all intents and purposes, dead.

As an Englishman born in China who has lived in the USA for the last 40 years, one can understand the setting of most of this book to be the American scene, especially the political and cultural climate of the 90s with President Clinton.

Yet in his stalwart defence of the enduring values of the Christian faith, what he reports may be relevant to any culture at any time.

As you would expect of a writer of Dr Guinness’s calibre, there is evidence of wide reading and research with many true-to-life illustrations, both contemporary and historical.

Upholding the Judeo-Christian commitment to objective truth is needful at any time, in any place

however difficult that may be in practice for all people who are truth-twisters as well as truth-seekers – to quote Os Guinness himself.