The Methodist Art Collection

Over the last five weeks, in the garden at Kirton Methodist Chapel, for our time of
Reflection and mediation at 4pm each Sunday afternoon, we have been looking at
the Modern Methodist Art collection.

Everyone who has attended, has been give the full set of 24 postcards and together
we have been on a shared journey of discovery. Last Sunday, as we shared in the
Sacrament of Holy Communion in the garden, we concentrated on just one postcard.
It was the painting by Ceri Richards entitled “The Supper at Emmaus”. It was
fascinating to hear different peoples perspectives and observations of painting and
then to listen once more to Luke Ch 24 verses 13 – 36 (The Walk to Emmaus).
Some time ago the Roman Catholic weekly “The Tablet” produced a wonderful
article on the Methodist Art Collection, singing its praises and urging folk to view the

Sadly, at present it is not possible to physically view the collection, but we have all
been blessed by each other’s insights and delighted once more in the ability of art
work to bring to life many passages of scripture.

A Prayer
Today we thank you Lord for all those involved in the upkeep and
development of our wonderful Methodist Art collection. We thank you for the
Collection and all art work that causes to reflect upon our Creator.