Star Word

During the on-line service on 3rd January, Rev Joan suggested that we obtain a star word  to use as a spiritual focus during the year.  The word I settled on was µWriteµ.  I pondered where that word would lead me – do I write letters, emails, a book? There are so many opportunities and I was eager, impatient yet searching. I was soon inspired to write, however, and here is my first offering!

Several friends on Facebook regularly post pictures of the lovely walks they go on for their exercise. I try to go for a walk most days but usually around the local streets so there aren’t really many inspiring photo opportunities, (although I do use it as a prayer opportunity, praying for those living in the streets I go down).

Today has been rather dull and wet but I determined that I would still go out when there was a lull in the precipitation but it was through duty not pleasure that I left the house.

I took the footpath beside the river Gipping – it was not very busy and I realised that I could hear a lot of birds singing and soon saw a robin, a swan, some mallards, moorhens, gulls and various other birds in the water and trees.  The song made famous by Louis Armstrong “What a wonderful world” came into my head which mentions lots of beautiful things in our world and I thanked God for the wonderful experience I was having.  My reluctant walk had led me to a beautiful place that I hadn’t appreciated before when I’d walked that path because I’d focussed too much on the negative aspects of the scenery – the polluted river. 

I had really felt close to God and as I returned home this beautiful cloud formation was over our garden.

Psalm 40 verses 1-3a seemed to me to sum up my day’s experience

“I waited patiently for the Lord; he turned to me and heard my cry.  He lifted me out of the slimy pit, out of the mud and mire; he set my feet upon a rock and gave me a firm place to stand. He put a new song into my mouth, a hymn of  praise to our God.”

If you haven’t got a star word yet please take the time to visit the Methodistic website using this link Star Words ,  there is an explanation of how it works and how to generate your word.  See what spiritual focus you will be led to as we start 2021 which I hope will be happy, healthy and a blessing for you all.