Ruth 3

BIBLE STUDY   Ruth Chapter 3

After a significant time of Ruth gleaning in the fields of Boaz behind his female workforce, Naomi looks beyond survival to plans for a more secure future for her daughter in law. The grief of the loss of husband and two sons is still there but there is food on the table and plans need to be made

What had looked impossible when she told Ruth and Orpah to remain in Moab and find new husbands was now becoming a reality here in Bethlehem. We have all faced challenges in this Covid 19 pandemic, many things have been impossible to do. People have been filled with fear and uncertain for the future. 
Question 1 Is there something that you had been hoping for, but fear or circumstances had ruled out? Share how you feel about Ruth and your reactions. Pray that God will fill you with his hope beyond the circumstances that surround you.

Naomi gives some very strange instructions to Ruth. It appears to be a way of requesting a marriage proposal from a potential kinsman redeemer. Ruth’s response to Naomi’s instructions is amazing “I will do everything you say!” 
Question 2 If God asks you to do something today, what is your response? Do you question the wisdom of the request, do you make excuses, or do you answer a clear YES as Ruth did!  What ever God asks of you today, take courage and obey.

There are several women in the Bible that are described as beautiful, but Ruth is not one of them. Neither was Jesus – Isaiah says, “He had no beauty or majesty to attract us to him”.
Question 3 What inner beauty did Boaz see in Ruth? Describe her qualities. What one thing could you ask God to change to develop His beauty in you?

All of us need love and God wants us to have the confidence to speak about that love. Question 4 Is there someone with whom you could share your faith with today?

We have a generous God who wants to bless us – even more than Boaz. James says “You do not have because you do not ask God”
Question 5 God knows you by name. He wants to bless you. What have you asked God for recently? Can you share any answers to prayer?

If we embrace God, loving our neighbour is the second greatest commandment.  Question 6 What one thing can you do to love your neighbour that might be difficult or challenging in this coming week?

Contact Andrew Sankey 07966 187216 or for discussion or questions