Ruth 2

BIBLE STUDY   Ruth Chapter 2

Ruth and Naomi had come back with nothing, and they had not had a chance to plant anything for that year’s Harvest – but the writer has told us at the end of chapter 1 that Ruth and Naomi had arrived at the beginning of the harvest time. Ruth does not sit around waiting for help, she graciously asks permission from her mother-in-law to go to the fields to glean. She took the initiative – she had made the commitment to care for her mother-in-law.

Question 1 Can you trust God for all your current needs? Or are you a worrier? Or do you not talk with God about your current needs? Or are you so self-sufficient that you don’t need Gods help?  Pray with Ruth that God can meet you, where you are.

For Ruth it appeared to be completely by chance that she arrived in the fields of Boaz, but because the writer has told us who Boaz is we can see this was a God-appointment. God had gone before her and directed her to this field, and directed Boaz to visit his workers, and to enquire after her and that he had been made aware of Ruth’s loyalty and faithfulness to her mother-in-law.  Ruth was in the right place at the right time for this God -connection to happen.

Question 2 Can you recognise God-connection moments in your life where you met with someone whose life has been impacted by yours or their life has impacted you or both?  
I know connections are difficult now with social distancing and isolation but pray for a God-connection this week. Be bold Perhaps ask if you might pray with them.

Boaz is a good employer – he has a good relationship with his workers – he is confident in entrusting management of the workforce to his foreman. He greets them all in the name of the Lord and they respond likewise. He gives clear instructions to his workers and encourages a respectful attitude to one another – including the poor and vulnerable and the foreigner.

Question 3 Have you ever felt unnoticed and unrewarded?  God notices, he never forgets you.  Do you notice those around you, particularly the vulnerable, have you a caring sensitive attitude? Can you reach out in love?

But it’s not just words with Boaz – He comes and sits and eats with his workers, he empathised with the young widowed woman – his kindness extended to sharing food with her, His care opened his eyes to her need and stimulated his generosity. 

Question 4 Can you see anyone in need today? Can you reach out and give generously in money or in kind?

The fear and emptiness of the previous chapter has been replaced by hope, generous provision and a belief that this relative of her husband might be able to be a kinsman redeemer, that brings a transformation for the world, not just two women. Now there is the patient waiting upon God for the right time to make the next move. God’s sovereignty is over every day.

Question 5    Is there someone whose life is full of fear at the present? It may be Covid, related, it may be health reasons of themselves or loved one, it may be abuse, it may be fiancé worries etc.  Can your friendship bring them God’s love?

Contact Andrew Sankey 07966 187216 or for discussion or questions