Dr. Liz Cope is the preacher for this online worship service as we as we think about abiding in Christ and Jesus as the vine.
Dr. Liz Cope is the preacher for this online worship service as we as we think about abiding in Christ and Jesus as the vine.
This online worship service is from Capel and it will be premiered today at 10.15 a.m. with the service starting at 10:30 a.m. The preacher is Dr. Liz Cope and this is the second in a three-week series called Jesus Unrecognized.
“How do you do worship” With Dr LIz Cope and the Felixstowe worship band
Dr. Liz Cope is the preacher for this online worship service for Epiphany and the first Sunday of 2021 as she concludes our series God Is With Us.
Local Preacher, Dr. Liz. Cope, is the preacher for this online worship service. In her message, Will You Come to the Banquet? she reflects on the parable of the wedding banquet. Scripture: Matthew 22:1-14 Hymns are from Singing the Faith, numbers 416 and 477. Video and audio available. .